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يسوع المسيح هو الله والمخلص

يسوع المسيح الهنا والمخلص
يقول العظيم فى الرسل القديس ” بطرس الرسول ” فى مستهل رسالته الثانية ” سمعان بطرس عبد يسوع المسيح ورسوله الى الذين نالوا معنا ايمانا ثمينا مساويا لنا ببر الهنا والمخلص يسوع المسيح. “[1]
لعل هذة الكلمات تكون قد مرت على بعض القراء دون ان يلتفتوا لاهمية الجملة لاهوتيا
فى من الاعداد الكتابية الفريدة التى اطلق فيها على يسوع GOD المسيح لقب الله
ولنستعرض اراء العلماء انفسهم
العالم توم كونستبل
This is one of the verses in the New Testament that explicitly calls Jesus God. Jesus’ role as Savior was one that Peter emphasized in this letter because of his readers’ need of deliverance [2]
هذة من الاعداد فى العهد الجديد الذى اطلق على يسوع فيها لقب الله
Esv لدراسة الكتاب
God and Savior Jesus Christ. “Righteousness” refers here to God’s saving righteousness, showing that faith is a gift from Jesus.Jesus is called “God and Savior,” making this one of the clearest NT declarations of the divinity of Christ.[3]
يسوع دعى بالله والمخلص وهذة واحدة من اوضح اعلانات العهد الجديد عن لاهوت المسيح
نفس الكلام اكده تعليقات ان اى تى بايبل
The terms “God and Savior” both refer to the same person, Jesus Christ. This is one of the clearest statements in the NT concerning the deity of Christ[4]
ولغويا كلمتى الهنا والمخلص يعودان على شخصية واحدة ” يسوع المسيح “
وهذا ما اكده كتاب التحليل اللغوى للعهد الجديد للعالم ماكس زرويك
ῆρος ὁsaviourτοῦ θεοῦ κ. σ. Ἰ. Χρ. under one art.prob. indicating one and the same Person[5]
وهذا ايضا ما اكده العالم جون ماك ارثر
It is noteworthy that Peter does not refer to God our Father here but to our God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Righteousness here does proceed from the Father, but it reaches every believer through the Son, Jesus Christ (cf. Gal. 3:8–11; Phil. 3:8–9). The Greek construction places just one article before the phrase God and Savior, which makes both terms refer to the same person.[6]
الرسول بطرس هنا لا يشير لله الاب ولكن لالهنا ومخلصنا يسوع المسيح التركيب اللغوى يضع اداة تعريف واحدة قبل العبارة الله والملخص جاعلا اللفظين يشيران لنفس الشخص
وهذا ما اكده كلارك فى تعليقه على النص
Of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ] This is not a proper translation of the original του θεου ημων και σωτηρος ιησου χριστου, which is literally, Of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ; and this reading, which is indicated in the margin, should have been received into the text; and it is an absolute proof that St. Peter calls Jesus Christ God[7]
هناك برهان مطلق ان القديس بطرس دعى يسوع الله
وللتأكيد ايضا اعالمين الان بلاك ومارك بلاك
The phrase “our God and Savior Jesus Christ” is unusual in that it seems to call Jesus “our God and Savior.” The wording in Greek makes it all but certain that this is one of those rare passages in the New Testament where Jesus is explicitly called “God[8]
انها من العبارات النادرة فى العهد الجديد الذى يدعى فيها يسوع ” الله “
ونختم بالتحليل الكامل للعدد من العالم دانيال اريشيا
Arguments for understanding the expression as referring only to Jesus Christ include the following:
1. The Greek text itself favors this position. A word-for-word translation looks like this: “…of the God our and of Savior Jesus Christ.” That the text favors the understanding that the whole expression refers to Christ is shown by the presence of only one definite article, which is placed before God. If the expression were intended to refer to both God and Jesus Christ, a definite article would have been placed before “Savior.”
2. Elsewhere in the letter the same grammatical construction is used, and it is clear that in those other contexts the whole phrase refers to Jesus Christ (for example, 1.11; 3.18, except of course that in these expressions “Lord” is used instead of “God”).
3. The term “God” is used of Christ elsewhere in the New Testament (see John 1.1; 2 Thes 1.12; and possibly Titus 2.13; 1 John 5.20) and in extra-biblical writings by the beginning of the second century (as in Ignatius’ letter to the Ephesians 1.1; 7.2; 18.2; 19.3; and so on).
Considering all the arguments, it is probably best to understand the expression as referring to one person, namely, Jesus Christ, rather than to both God and Christ
الحجج بفهم التعبير انه يشير فقط ليسوع المسيح هى كالاتى
النص اليونانى نفسه يؤكد الموقف انظر لترجمة كلمة مقابل كلمة ” لالهنا والمخلص يسوع المسيح ” النص يؤيد فهم ان النص يشير لشخص يسوع المسيح بوضع اداة تعريف واحدة قبل كلمة الله اما لو كان كلمتى الله والمخلص يشيران لشخصيتين الله الاب ويسوع كان وضع اداة تعريف قبل كلمة المخلص
علمنا العظيم بين رسل المسيح بطرس ان يسوع المسيح هو الله والمخلص
انت بطرس وعلى هذة الصخرة بايمانك بالمخلص والاله يسوع بنى يسوع الكنيسة
[1] Arabic Bible (Smith & Van Dyke); Bible. Arabic. Logos Research Systems, Inc., 1865; 2003, S. 2 Pe 1:1
[2]Tom Constable: Tom Constable’s Expository Notes on the Bible. Galaxie Software, 2003; 2003, S. 2 Pe 1:1
[3]Crossway Bibles: The ESV Study Bible. Wheaton, IL : Crossway Bibles, 2008, S. 2418
[4]Biblical Studies Press: The NET Bible First Edition Notes. Biblical Studies Press, 2006; 2006, S. 2 Pe 1:1
art. (definate) article
prob. probably
[5]Zerwick, Max ; Grosvenor, Mary: A Grammatical Analysis of the Greek New Testament. Rome : Biblical Institute Press, 1974, S. 717
cf. confer (Lat.), compare
[6]MacArthur, John: 2 Peter and Jude. Chicago : Moody Publishers, 2005, S. 23
[7]Clarke, Adam: Clarke’s Commentary: Second Peter. electronic ed. Albany, OR : Ages Software, 1999 (Logos Library System; Clarke’s Commentaries), S. 2 Pe 1:1
[8]Black, Allen ; Black, Mark C.: 1 & 2 Peter. Joplin, Mo. : College Press Pub., 1998 (The College Press NIV Commentary), S. 2 Pe 1:1
[9]Arichea, Daniel C. ; Hatton, Howard: A Handbook on the Letter from Jude and the Second Letter from Peter. New York : United Bible Societies, 1993 (UBS Handbook Series; Helps for Translators), S. 67
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